Aloha and Mahalo!  This blog has been started in an effort to tell our story.  And it’s quite a story.  Of course you can read about my Dad and my Paw Paw (Hawaiian for Grandfather) when you read the  Truly Hawaiian story on our site.  But this blog is about how my siblings, my children and our friends have inspired my wife and me to finally bring our 100 year old family Teriyaki Sauce to market, and to share it far and wide.

As of today, we are on the verge of going into production and sending our first order to a major store chain that has requested our sauce.  I can’t reveal them just yet, not until all the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed.  But soon…

In the next few posts I will attempt to go back to late 2008 and review how we came to this point.  How we made the decisions we did to get here, and how we were truly blessed by those that were put in our path.  And how this amazing journey has unfolded….


Sam Kanakanui